How To Get A Mac Pro Card Without Being A Makeup Artist
- #1
I try not to indicate fingers, but I only idea this was totally wrong.
A woman I know, who is a total MAC devotee, told me she had gotten approved for the PRO card. I thought that was crawly, but then I realized she's not a makeup artist, cosmetologist or ANYTHING even remotely related to that. She told me that she had made up a fake letter of reccomendation and that she had included a false business carte. Then MAC drafted the money out of her business relationship a few weeks after she sent in her application and the "fake goods" and she got an email saying she had been canonical and the PRO card was on its mode.
I retrieve that's simply wrong for someone to do that's not really an "insider", know what I mean? There are and so many people that are licensed professionals, cosmetologists, any the stipulations may be for y'all to get a PRO carte du jour that actually do the work and bosom their ass. I don't think it's right for some housewife who's husband is tired of her spending anywhere from $100-500 a month on MAC to exercise something shady like that to become the PRO discount. It only pisses me off to all the people out there who have PRO cards that are actually in the manufacture.
Anyone else hear tell of this before?
- #ii
The sad truth is there are tons of dishonest people out in that location. I know someone who is extremely dishonest in her everyday life & it seems like it merely gets her ahead. Oh, and of grade these people are always bragging nearly the wrong they do. Is there whatsoever way to turn her in???
I thought they were pretty strict about abusing Pro cards??
- #3
I oasis't heard of anyone doing that but I can't say that I'yard surprised. It bothers me that people do this, lying in general is just stupid to me. Hey, I wish I could get a PRO carte simply I don't accept a license, I'g not a professional (hoping to get one later high schoolhouse, and then maybe I tin become a PRO carte!) and I would never "cheat the system" like that.
Well, it's on her concious (I'k non sure if I spelled that right?) I gauge, although I know some people don't experience bad most this kind of stuff...
- #v
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
The sad truth is there are tons of dishonest people out there. I know someone who is extremely quack in her everyday life & it seems like information technology but gets her ahead. Oh, and of course these people are always bragging virtually the wrong they practice. Is at that place whatsoever way to plough her in???
As much every bit I would love to snitch on her, I don't think I could, as I'grand the blazon of person who would rather permit karma become the person dorsum. I have read the application on the internet a few times and fifty-fifty printed it out so I could be familiar with information technology. I don't know if they even checked out her and then chosen references or what, but she said she got the email of approval.
She was similar "I had to do it, you lot know, I could really utilize the discount." We all could, bowwow! And to elevation it off, what I think is funny is I don't call up yous tin can use it online and our nearest MAC store is about an hour abroad and she does all of her ordering online haha. Simply I think you can use it by calling the PRO #.
- #half-dozen
I'm not sure how I feel about karma. The person I had mentioned before, well her life seems to get meliorate and better.
- #seven
That's pretty sneakey... Karma is def a bitch!
- #8
MACATTAK, I totally understand where you are coming from.
Do you retrieve information technology would be bad if I called and ratted on her? I'yard non trying to be a tattle-tale, but honestly, it's not freaking fair, especially since a affiche in a higher place mentioned she knows makeup artists that can't become a PRO card. She was blabbing it to everyone at piece of work and I tried to act like I was uninterested but I still listened anyway.
- #9
that is very unfair.. i would love the discount too but i wouldn't even bother trying, it merely wouldnt seem right.
and im sure anybody else on here would LOVE the discount but at that place's but some rude people out in that location who do anything to go what they want
- #x
I know it's not off-white, but I don't remember you should rat on her. Information technology doesn't audio similar you're very good friends with her anyway, but I don't recall it's your business concern to teach her a lesson. If somehow she finds out, y'all'd cease upward offending her, and creating enemies wouldn't be so great, even if you don't like her so much every bit a friend. Too, like you said, what goes around, comes around. I think it'll bite her in the ass sooner or later.
...and if it doesn't (since, in real life, a lot of good things happen to bad people), then that means that she can alive her life being dishonest and cheating people and still feel fine almost it - and for that, we should feel lamentable for her, and not resentful.
- #13
I concur you lot shouldn't lie if you're not in the makeup artistry/showbiz business area thing, simply...
I'thousand sixteen, I tin can't charge people for makeup, legally, but I tin can yet get messages of recommendation from people I have washed makeup for, just I don't take a business menu or anything, so basically I would have to make a false 1 (which i've considered doing, but changed my mind crusade i'm lazy) in society to had 2 proofs of business.
That being said, I don't think you lot should rat her out even though information technology isn't fair that she got one by lying :c
- #14
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I agree y'all shouldn't lie if you're not in the makeup artistry/showbiz concern area thing, but...
I'm sixteen, I can't charge people for makeup, legally, but I can nevertheless get letters of recommendation from people I have done makeup for, but I don't accept a business carte or anything, and then basically I would accept to brand a fake 1 (which i've considered doing, but changed my heed cause i'm lazy) in order to had two proofs of business organisation.
That existence said, I don't call up you should rat her out even though it isn't fair that she got ane by lying :c
In that location is nada wrong with what you are doing, it sounds like you just freelance makeup?
Simply this chick doesn't do makeup, except for the times she and her sister experiment on each other and that'due south about it. Honestly, I wouldn't want her touching me because her makeup is nothing to become excited over. It's probably a good matter she really isn't a makeup artist.
- #15
Information technology is irking when people will stoop to whatever level to go what they want, just I don't remember information technology's anyone's problem simply the individual's. They volition go what they deserve in the end, even if everything seems okay at the nowadays. Of course it's easier said than done to just ignore them, but I wouldn't worry about what she does.
- #16
Originally Posted past NicksWifey
In that location is nil wrong with what y'all are doing, it sounds like you just freelance makeup?
Just this chick doesn't do makeup, except for the times she and her sister experiment on each other and that's about information technology. Honestly, I wouldn't desire her touching me because her makeup is null to go excited over. It's probably a expert affair she really isn't a makeup artist.
haha yea if she's no good at makeup stay awayyy XD
but ya i freelance, for complimentary.
- #17
That is too bad that she is abusing the system but to each their own. I would honey to get a MAC disbelieve equally well. I tin can't believe that they really gave her 1. Karma is a bowwow and information technology will come back around.
- #19
Originally Posted past NicksWifey
Do y'all think it would be bad if I called and ratted on her? I'g not trying to exist a tattle-tale, only honestly, it's non freaking off-white, peculiarly since a affiche above mentioned she knows makeup artists that tin't go a PRO carte. She was blabbing information technology to anybody at piece of work and I tried to human activity similar I was uninterested but I still listened anyway.
I wouldn't blame you for turning her in. I understand information technology may not be anyones concern but that is just really wrong. It'south kind of on the same lines as stealing. Well, information technology is on the aforementioned lines! It'due south lying and cheating. I feel there is cypher wrong with letting the company know when someone is stealing from them. I wouldn't blame yous. Information technology sounds like she needs a smack in the face up!
- #20
Without involving my personal stance of whether or not I feel y'all should report her, I'll say this much:
And so theoretically, if this is true, then they will take no way to wait back on what yous merits to be fake data; therefore, I don't think anything volition exist done nigh it -- Unless they require her to re-send data.
How To Get A Mac Pro Card Without Being A Makeup Artist,
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