
What Is The Ethnic Makeup Of Kenya?

By , K24 Digital
On Friday, 21 Feb, 2020 17:04 | 2 mins read

The Republic of kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) on Friday afternoon released statistics results showing the distribution of ethnic groups in Republic of kenya every bit per the 2019 population census.

Members of the Kikuyu ethnic community are the majority in Republic of kenya with a population of 8.14 1000000.

Luhya indigenous group follows with a population size of six.82 million, Kalenjins come in tertiary with a size of half dozen.4 1000000, the Luos are fourth with a population size of v.ane million, the Kambas are 5th with a population size of 4.7 1000000, Somalis wrap up the Top Vi, with a collective population of ii.8 million.

Members of the Kisii ethnic customs are seventh with a population size of two.7 million, the Mijikenda are eighth with a population size of 2.five 1000000.

Members of the Meru ethnic group are ninth with a population size of 2.0 million, and Maasais wrap up the Top Ten with a population size of 1.ii million.

The results prove that at least 75 per cent of the Kenyan population is aged below 35 years.

Members of the Christian religious religion comprises 85.five per cent of the Kenyan population, with 33.4 per cent being protestants, 20.half-dozen per cent being Catholics and twenty.iv per cent being of the Evangelical denomination.

The Muslim population stands at 11 per cent, with below 3.5 per cent being Hindus, and members of other religious faiths.

Kenyans of working age (15 to 64 years) in 2019 rose to 27.ii million from twenty.7 million in 2009. That age subclass represents 57.1 of the total population in 2019.

At to the lowest degree 6.iv meg Kenyans revealed they practiced farming, with a majority saying they grew maize, beans and banana crops.

Livestock and poultry farmers revealed the number of domestic animals they kept. The population of chicken in Republic of kenya is 38.8 million, goats is 28 1000000, sheep is xix.3 meg, cattle is xv.8 one thousand thousand.

The 2019 Census information besides indicated that l.4 per cent of houses in Kenya are connected to the electrical grid, compared to 22.7 per cent in 2009.

Nineteen per cent of Kenyan households today use solar energy compared to 1.6 per cent in 2009.

60 i per cent of Kenyans own their own homes compared to 30.7 per cent, who alive in rented houses.

20 one thousand thousand, six hundred thousand (20, 694, 315) Kenyans anile above 3 years own a mobile telephone, representing 47.3 per cent of the total population.

Nairobi leads every bit the near-populated urban centre with a size of 4.4 million Kenyans. Mombasa follows at 1.2 million, Nakuru comes third with a population of 590, 000 Kenyans, Ruiru is quaternary with 490, 000 and Eldoret is 5th with 476, 000.

Xxx-1 per cent of Kenyans alive in urban settings in 2019 compared to 24.i per cent in 2009.

The KNBS Demography results release held February 21 at the Treasury Building on Harambee Artery, Nairobi, was attended by Treasury minister Ukur Yattani.


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